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Obrizum Group has announced today its partnership with Capita, as it targets a major overhaul of the corporate learning and development market in 2021.


Today’s pensions industry is dominated by data, to the extent that it can sometimes be overwhelming.


Covid-19 has accelerated a lot of things. Remote working. Online health assessment. Digital retail. And an increasing move away from the use of cash.


I think most of us have experienced moments of computer rage, when technology just won’t do what we want it to do.


In the past year the coronavirus pandemic has permanently changed the way we live our lives. The pension sector has been affected by this rapid transformation, but rather than succumb to the negatives, these changes could pave the way towards a more positive future.


We’re proud to have partnered with Transport for London (TfL) for nearly a decade across multiple key operations, including the congestion charging scheme, the Ultra-Low Emission Zone and the Direct Vision Standard, jointly supporting better outcomes for citizens who visit, work and live in the capital.

Case study

There have been enormous advances in the scale and availability of data, which is essential for machine learning.


We provide trusted, expert third party administration, managing the ongoing complex administration for BPA policyholders efficiently and cost-effectively.


We’re delivery consulting services to over 150 pension schemes. Whether you’re looking for actuarial, investment, secretariat or pensions strategy, our team use their experience and insight to deliver a personalised approach.


We provide advice on pensions strategy, funding position, valuations, journey planning, de-risking, GMP equalisation and integrated risk management.


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