Improving military capability and efficiency to maintain advantage in defence and security

As the rapid migration to digital technologies continues, organisations applying advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, cognitive services, machine learning, predictive- and pattern-based planning are driving better decisions, greater efficiency, and augmenting their workforces.

The defence sector is no different: we’re working with defence organisations to help them embrace artificial intelligence (AI) to improve military capability, allowing the UK and its allies to establish and maintain an advantage in an increasingly challenging and unstable geo-political environment.

We also supporting defence organisations with the intelligent use of AI and automation to make operations more efficient, contributing to driving better value for the taxpayer. We work with defence clients to explore and develop intelligent solutions to automate processes, surfacing information buried in data and helping to uncover insights about the future.

And we’re reducing the time taken to make decisions on complex medical records and expedite the army recruitment journey, as well as transforming training by utilising adaptive learning rather than linear learning virtual platforms.

Key statistics

In numbers: Capita’s data science capabilities


➥ voice recordings analysed by machine learning, reducing processing time from 8 months to 3 weeks


➥ unique data types fused for one of the UK’s largest police forces

Just 5 weeks

➥ to design and deliver an AI solution to assess the risk and share intelligence on unidentified drones

How our data science capabilities help defence organisations

We help you apply cognitive computing powers to unlock insights and dramatically improve the quality and timeliness of intelligence data available to military commanders, helping you to:

Defence meeting

Increase the effectiveness of planning and conducting operations

Drone AHQCPL3-OFFICIAL-20220804

Reduce the risk to life of armed forces personnel with uncrewed, autonomous platforms

20140819-RSignals Recruiting

Automate routine tasks to free defence personnel to perform higher value activities

Spring Storm _ Army

Achieve better value for taxpayers by ensuring defence and its supporting functions – people, training, commercial, procurement - are more efficient

At a glance: supporting learning and talent management with AI and data


Career and talent management


Training scheduling optimisation

Personalised learning journeys

Personalised learning journeys


Post training report creation

Welfare meetings transcripts

Welfare meetings transcripts

Read about our work

Digitising medical records to improve the recruitment journey

When candidates apply to join the British Army, they’re required to provide medical records from their GP. This can often slow down the recruitment process while candidates request and wait for their physical medical records to be delivered and assessed.

We delivered a solution that accelerates the processing of hard copy medical records for all new Army applicants, managing around 40,000 documents a year. This not only improves the candidate experience, but also improves data security within the medical process: even very lengthy medical documents can now be scanned or uploaded directly by the candidate’s GP and delivered securely to the Defence Recruiting System (DRS) where they’re presented on a dashboard for clinical review.

Army Medical Service

Intelligent automation

Responding to the growing need to exploit the huge volumes of unstructured data within complex processes and from previously unusable data sources, we’ve created a streamlined, intuitive experience for reviewing data using artificial intelligence (AI) and automation.

Our solution converts unstructured data - from any source or format - to fully searchable data, allowing highlighting and keyword extraction  using voice recognition and optical character recognition (OCR). This allows emails, electronic documents, voice messages and even handwritten information to be accurately transcribed and categorised.

See how we supported the Financial Services Compensation Scheme to process high volumes of complex claims quickly and provide a better service to customers, many of whom were vulnerable:



Get in touch to discover how AI and data science can help your organisation

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Selected images courtesy of UK MOD ©️ Crown copyright 2023

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