Levelling up communities and boosting economies through placemaking
Levelling up means giving everyone the opportunity to flourish, from living longer, more fulfilling lives to enjoying improved living standards and well-being. To achieve this, many local authorities are looking to placemaking – the regeneration of their spaces – to boost local economies and communities.
However, this is no small task – local authorities have to scope the art of the possible, develop plans, raise funding, communicate with multiple stakeholders and navigate complex regulatory constraints. And that’s before they must find the right delivery partners and specialist skills needed to get the project off the ground.
We can help with each of these challenges, applying our innovative thinking and unique breadth of local government solutions – from managing the planning application for a multi-million pound regeneration scheme to securing funding to decarbonise social housing and buildings - we help councils navigate the best road to achieving thriving communities and economies.
14,000 hours
Planning and building control resilience support delivered every month.
Delivered, including Brent Cross (Barnet Council) and major regeneration for North Tyneside Council.
Helped to generate for Salford City Council by successfully challenging Section 106 agreements
Level Measures: a modern agenda for public service integration
One of the greatest challenges for local government is the continued delivery of public services against rising inflation and demographic pressures.
With the Levelling Up White Paper due to be enshrined in law, our latest report, written by Localis in partnership with Capita, looks at how local authorities can navigate the twin tasks of reformed local service provision and successful placemaking in the short and medium term, and look at the possibilities of a more hopeful vision for our localities through harmonious public service integration.

White paper: placemaking at the heart of levelling up
In our latest report, we explore how councils and combined authorities can accelerate the levelling up agenda and impact the communities they serve by prioritising town centre regeneration to rebuild for community-led spaces, creating new engines for economic growth and building in local identity by reinventing towns as, for example, a cyber-hub, garden village or cultural centre.
We also set out the must-haves for successful placemaking of town centres.

A selection of useful insights and resources for local authorities looking to strengthen local communities when planning regeneration projects.
Looking to boost your economy to help strengthen your local communities?
From concept and feasibility support to developer management and completion, we provide a range of expert services which can be accessed as standalone solutions or as part of a suite of full project management.
Concept and originationWe help you understand location potential using data and local insights, supporting access to funding and helping deliver better value from assets. | Feasibility assessmentsWe identify and develop feasible project options to deliver positive outcomes for place and community, including analysing cost viability. | Strategic outline and business caseOur financial and property professionals and economists identify and test options so your project is aligned to intended outcomes. | Masterplan & design developmentFrom design to statutory approvals, we help you understand how the design will fit in, meeting planning policy requirements. | Securing fundingWe can provide a robust financial strategy to help secure finance, highlighting project benefits and the ability to deliver results on the ground. |
Community engagementWe can manage strategic communications, collaborating with citizens to include them in developments and the delivery. | Regulatory supportWith expertise in town and country planning, building control, Section 106 agreements and community infrastructure levy support, we ensure project compliance. | Procurement adviceWe help you choose how to get your scheme delivered and the best way to procure this, ensuring value for money and the selection of the right partners. | Developer managementWe manage the pre- and post-contact management of developer activities, ensuring your project is delivered on budget, in time and to quality requirements. | Completion and handoverWe ensure all works are competed to the required standards or corrected if not, so that the project/building is ready for the public to use. |
Capita officers provided valuable professional input in helping the council to deliver its vision for the regeneration and redevelopment of the Griffin area.

Free valuable resources to focus on what matters
We help you use data, technology and our process knowhow to make local public services more effective so you’re free to focus on what really matters.

Deliver insightful services to reach better outcomes
We help you provide fast, easy access to employment, housing, funding, community spaces and social services to support better citizen outcomes.