Enabling re-investment in public services by building sustainable revenue for government
We are helping government create new revenue streams by applying commercial expertise, transformation capabilities, business management and development experience to maximise the potential of existing assets.
HM Treasury estimates that central government holds latent intangible assets worth £170bn including intellectual property, brand, expertise and data. With the right support, these assets will provide an essential resource to help fund public services for many years to come.
Capita is a first-hand witness to the benefits of commercialising assets to drive revenue for the public sector, including the jointly owned – with DEFRA - Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) which provides scientific services to government and commercial customers across the agri-food supply chain, in the UK and overseas.
➥ honeybee colonies studied and looked after by Fera
➥ countries Fera is helping ensure food is safe to eat
➥ of FTSE100 companies are using Axelos's ITIL product
Together with GovTech pioneer PUBLIC, we’ve produced a report which highlights a valuable latent income - knowledge assets – to help the UK public sector leverage some £5 billion per year.
Estimated to be worth some £150 billion in total, publicly-owned knowledge assets are created in the course of delivering public services, including data and digital services, brands and designs, knowledge and research, and capabilities and skills.
Download our report to discover:
- How to overcome the challenges in unlocking key income from these assets
- The concept of strategic public/private venturing partnerships
- How venturing can drive innovation, stimulate economic activity and drive productivity.
We create and deliver integrated, innovative and expert research services and products for our partners in crop protection, chemical and animal health companies, as well as food producers and growers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers.