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Capita plc has secured a three-year contract worth £433,000 with SportsBroker, a gaming app that enables customers to buy and sell virtual shares of the world’s largest football teams.


Capita Pensions has today announced a new partnership with Intellica, a leading provider of data technology solutions following a competitive tender exercise.


The business writer Jack Stack once said that a successful business depends on people having visibility of what’s going on and feeling involved.


The Government has proposed the biggest set of changes to the UK’s planning system in decades with its recent Planning White Paper.


Capita is helping organisations to improve their resilience though initiatives that build capacity and agility in technology, security, customer management and people aspects.


In the second of the two articles on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to radically rethink how we deliver services to citizens, we look to a data-driven future and changing citizen expectations.


Near-unlimited access to the internet benefits young people in a number of ways. From an education perspective, it gives them access to a whole world of information, news and views at the click of a button.


The level of thought and care that has gone into the design of the VSim is clear (and synonymous with what I've come to expect from you guys over the last decade and a bit).


So often, this crucial aspect of HR picks up employees once they’re already some time into their work for you – but actually the starting gun for employee engagement fires during the recruitment and onboarding phase of someone’s career.


Resourcing has traditionally been focused on simply filling positions – but when it comes to your complete employee lifecycle, and business bottom line, this can be decidedly short sighted.


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