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Know your customers better to help reduce their carbon footprint


Download our government venturing report to understand the seven key steps for unlocking the value of public sector knowledge assets.


As many of us start to return to offices and other workplaces, the hybrid approach has emerged as the most popular solution for both employees and employers.


Our previous articles have focused on the life and pensions workplace of the future, identifying new organisational structures, and working patterns that take account of the digital revolution we’re living through. Now we’ll turn our attention to the customer experience itself.


In April 2021 The Department for Education (DfE) issued non-statutory guidance on creating and growing academy trusts*.


There is a consensus that the world needs more learning – whether it’s part of society building back better, responding to the future of work in the short term, or equipping the next generation to step into the jobs that we do not yet know about.


Master trusts have grown rapidly over the last few years to become one of the most popular type of defined contribution (DC) pension arrangements.


Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the long-term NHS ambition for integrated working has quickly become a reality with cross-agency working to combat the virus.


In recent months, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our world in countless ways. And with a new national lockdown in place, there is surely more change to come. Strong leadership in education is essential.


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