Every experience matters – particularly in healthcare, where the experiences of patients, carers and healthcare professionals all interrelate. 

Working across the whole of the public sector, we’ve lived and experienced those relationships, including between areas such as benefits, health and skills. 

The healthcare integration agenda is based in part on changing the relationship between the individual and providers, where patients and carers – including the 5.7 million people taking on unpaid caring responsibilities across the UK daily - will be able to achieve more. It's never been more important to be proactive and mindful, protecting and supporting each other to ensure great experiences for everyone - not just care professionals or organisations. 

Capita's expertise lies in creating exceptional clinical outcomes and enriching experiences for both patients and clinicians, whether that’s enhancing engagement and improving navigation or supporting care journeys and coordinating services.

We’re helping people to navigate the healthcare system effectively, resulting in improved engagement, and we’re enabling better, more joined-up experiences that connect various aspects of healthcare. We’re also helping to enhance patient engagement with healthcare across multiple touchpoints, moving beyond traditional care models to ones that align with people's life journeys and encompass the diverse range of services they use. We’re now extending our expertise to virtual wards and virtual care, expanding our capabilities in delivering comprehensive support.

Key statistics

In numbers: Capita and the health sector

20 years

➥  How long we’ve been supporting the National Health Service, health care providers and the emergency services.

26 million

➥  Australians could access our technology-enabled nursing helpline. We supported 2.5 million people over 8 weeks in the pandemic.

100 million+

➥  Patient encounters supported by our technology.

Making virtual wards and virtual care sustainable

Our focus is on delivering impactful services that prioritise patients, their loved ones and outcomes.

Drawing on our extensive experience, we excel in implementing ‘at scale’ services tailored to local contexts: our expertise in building resilient, scalable and sustainable services is helping NHS organisations go further, faster and for longer with their virtual ward programmes.

Our virtual wards model brings together elements across our service portfolio – experiences, effective delivery, digital and technology, and skills to build sustainable models at scale in partnership with local care eco-systems.

The success of virtual care and wards depends on resourcing and financial sustainability. Which is why we started not with technology, but with sustainability when developing our virtual care hub, co-creating the approach with NHS colleagues. As a result, for perhaps the first time, the NHS has a robust response to current challenges and can pursue genuine regional visualisation of care.

How we help

Our wider patient experience services

Assessment and support

Our patient and service user services help ensure better access and support in their care journey.


Virtual consultations

Enabling live video-streaming from patient to clinician, our virtual consultations technology enhances phone consultations with a secure, visual assessment, protecting the patient clinician relationship.

Behavioural science

We believe health services must be built around excellent patient, carer and clinical experiences. Great experiences don’t just happen, they’re designed. We use data to understand attitudes and behaviour.

Patient relationship management

Our solutions see patient relationships over time as opposed to clinical records at a point in time. Our powerful PRM supports informed patient interactions and improved wellness pathways.

Multi-channel patient care platform

Our flexible, connected patient care management platform uses clinical content, patient pathways and multi-channel education information to guide informed clinical decisions and patient self-assessment.

Experience robotics and AI

We use AI technologies to drive efficient digital experiences, driving productivity and consistency to help release clinical time and drive better patient outcomes.

Case studies

Read about our work

Partnership with Microsoft’s Azure Health Bot

Delivering better patient outcomes at greater scale and cost-effectiveness


We partner with Microsoft to provide our clinical content into Azure Health Bot, part of Microsoft’s Health Cloud platform. 

Health Bot provides AI-powered medical data which is used by some of the largest healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and tele-medicine services in the world.

Read more

Further insights

Virtual wards maturity

Despite early rapid roll out of virtual wards during the pandemic, the ‘going’ has become tougher as scale and pace is uncovering new challenges for service set up. How mature is your virtual ward programme / strategy?

Holistic virtual ward scaling 

The virtual ward ‘market’ has been flooded with technology. Virtual wards are ultimately about people and care delivery. What does good look like in the context of at scale virtual ward deployments outside of point technology deployments?

Looking after employees' health

With the disruption of recent years, what are organisations doing to look after our mental and physical health? Many do have provisions in place, but there’s a difference between making support available and ensuring that it gets used when it is needed.



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