Harness the power of your data so you can focus on keeping residents safe

Social housing providers face a balancing act between managing stock efficiently whilst keeping residents safe and staying compliant with evolving statutory requirements. Our cloud-based housing management software helps you achieve this by bringing your data for people and homes together under one view, enabling proactive management and maintenance.

The high level of automation frees time and money to focus on customers, with simplified user dashboards and alerts to ensure compliance. This provides peace of mind and allows you to offer a higher standard of living, supporting healthier, happier communities.

The online customer portal encourages residents to self-serve at their convenience and is fully integrated with the core management system for real-time updates, whilst our virtual diagnostics tool enables fast, remote support to further enhance experience.

Our housing management software reflects over 20 years’ experience in delivering trusted, specialist market-leading housing solutions. You can unlock additional powerful capabilities with other modules in the suite to provide an end to end solution across all areas of housing management for improved efficiency and collaboration between teams.

Read our report to discover how the Internet of Things could transform housing asset management

Key features


A single source of the truth

Pulling together multiple data for a single clear view allows for greater accuracy and insight.  With intuitive data visualisations and a high level of business intelligence reporting you can improve efficiency and work allocation.


Improve resident experience

Featuring our virtual housing support tool which brings staff closer to more customers, a user-friendly, convenient online customer portal and flexible payment platforms, you can better support residents. With real-time updates from the portal into the core system, they always have an up to date view.


Safer, sustainable homes

With dedicated, simplified user dashboards and automated workflows you can ensure the highest level of compliance to elevate living standards. You can also marry your housing information with wider data sets - such as net zero/energy consumption data via the smart meter network - to help secure government funding streams.

An end to end solution: additional modules to support organisational growth

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mature person looking at tablet
looking at data



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