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While the cloud may streamline complex operations and drive efficiency, the management of cloud assets themselves needs to be controlled carefully and kept on a tight leash.


If any of us were in any doubt about the importance of giving back to the people and communities around us, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly brought it home.

Case study

Transparency, accessibility, and control. When supporting job seekers back into the world of work through government schemes – especially in a time as volatile as now – these three imperatives are a good place to start.


When the anti-avoidance tax legislative reform – IR35 - rolls out to the private sector in April, employers of many contractors could be in a very difficult position.


While many companies may have paid lip service to the issue of racism in 2020, the unconscious, and sometimes explicit, bias of racism runs deep.


In a time when figures and statistics have become a disheartening staple of daily life, the numbers relating to unemployment in the UK make for even more difficult and disturbing reading.


Digital continues to have a profound effect on the world. The way we live, the way we work and the way we relate to one another is changing faster than ever as a result of digital technologies, processes and capabilities.


Can debt really be considered good? And do we need more of it? At Tortoise Media’s recent ‘The Future of Money’ event I was invited to consider this alongside finance coach and author of Black Girl Finance, Selina Flavius, and the co-author of Angrynomics, Eric Lonergan.


This year, International Women’s Day also marks roughly one year since the global emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic.


It’s become a cliché but the Covid-19 storm has not found us all in the same boat. The impact on income, on employment, even on the chances of contracting the virus and recovering, is hugely influenced by three factors – ethnicity, gender and poverty.


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