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Using AI and real-time speech analytics, we help you enhance organisational performance and achieve better collection outcomes.


Flexibility is always a priority for any contact centre. When there are peaks in demand, we’ll provide back-up with the operational flexibility that guarantees a confident, sure-footed response. This could involve augmenting your teams with extra staff, introducing self-serve options, analysing customer segmentation to get the most from existing capacity, enabling home-working and more.


As insurance and pension providers and government agencies send their employees home to avoid contact with the Coronavirus, many cyber-security teams are facing the unenviable challenge of securing sprawling, vulnerable networks.


Dragonfly AI is one of six companies in the Capita Scaling Partner portfolio, having joined in August 2019. Today they release what has already proven, in beta, to be an invaluable tool for designers, creatives, and publishers of digital content.


While many of us have effectively transitioned to at-home working, for some industries, like construction and infrastructure, that’s completely impossible.


Mobilising a resilient and responsive workforce in less than 2 weeks to ensure minimal disruption to customer services.

Case study

Capita's Wasif Afghan discusses six steps to unleash the true potential of cloud.


While Covid has put the brakes on a lot of things – normal schooling, visiting family and friends, holidays and music festivals, commuting and meetings in the office, it has enabled and accelerated the uptake and development of a number of other trends.


Perhaps surprisingly, a huge number of companies have adapted to the changes necessitated by the threat of Covid-19 and have recognised some of the benefits of a flexible workforce.


The overly optimistic amongst us may be thinking that returning to conventional working will be easy. But the situation we’re in, truly is unprecedented.


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