Channel 4 began a company-wide initiative to create awareness around menopause. The aim was to educate everyone on what menopause is, increase confidence on approaching the subject and normalise conversations. Overall, they wanted to create a supportive environment for women during this significant time of their life.
The challenge
Menopause can be a taboo subject, especially in the workplace. Channel 4 wanted to increase awareness around menopause, but most importantly to make sure that managers feel comfortable having open conversations and can support staff that experience menopause symptoms.
Channel 4 wanted the course to be informative, empowering and also create a sense of fun to keep people engaged and in keeping with their brand.
The solution
We designed the course to provoke a familiar and lively user experience, inspiring confidence when approaching the subject of menopause and being open to conversations.
Using the authoring tool Evolve, we created a 20-minute course, with a cheeky tone of voice with headings like: "Tell me you're menopausal without telling me you're menopausal" and "Here is how to nail it". The artistic design blended bold pop art style graphics with engaging photos to create a magazine-like feel.
At the end of the course users have a clear call to action, to inspire them to follow up on the subject and know what to do next once they close the course.
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