Capita has been appointed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) to produce, in partnership with Xais, a fully compliant Carriageway Asset Management Plan for the Liverpool City Region’s Key Route Network (KRN).
The 13-month partnership will include developing a strong risk-based approach to prioritisation of works, both for routine maintenance and longer term planned periodic maintenance of the KRN.
Capita and Xais will also develop and implement a revised carriageway hierarchy for the KRN to be used for risk-based inspections and prioritisation of works. The services provided will help LCRCA drive costs down, whilst maintaining high service levels and creating conditions for growth to make Liverpool an investment destination of choice.
Capita and Xais will provide the following:
- Tailored asset condition surveys of the KRN
- A City Region Highways Infrastructure Policy and Strategy
- A KRN carriageway lifecycle plan
- Scheme development and prioritisation
- A Skid Resistance Strategy for the KRN