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From HR training to administrative services and expert HR advice, we’re supporting schools and academies to raise standards and deliver better outcomes.


Capita's Wasif Afghan discusses six steps to unleash the true potential of cloud.


Critical infrastructure in the UK has been severely tested by the current pandemic. As life changed in an instant for many our service industries had to respond.


Andy Start, Executive Officer of Government Services, and Chantal Free, Executive Officer of People Solutions, discuss Covid-19’s impact on how public sector employees work. They look at what we’ve learned and how we can build on innovations for the future.


Covid-19 has forced schools, colleges and universities to transform education delivery worldwide. Teaching has adapted to embrace a new world – and students have had to adapt.


Think of an area of your life that isn’t touched in some respect by a digital component. Or think of any experience and remove all digital influences. What would your life look like?


IoT ecosystems are underpinning more and more services across the UK. Before we look at cyber security in an IoT context, it’s worth recounting how we arrived in a connected world.


Capita has secured a five-year contract worth £1.3m to migrate Suffolk County Council’s on-premise education software to a new cloud-based system.


While Covid has put the brakes on a lot of things – normal schooling, visiting family and friends, holidays and music festivals, commuting and meetings in the office, it has enabled and accelerated the uptake and development of a number of other trends.


This Armed Forces Week provides the perfect opportunity for Capita, as a partner to the UK Armed Forces, to say thank you for the invaluable work they do in keeping our country safe.


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