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Innovation isn’t working. At least, the old style of innovation isn’t. It can’t be – look at the number of established, iconic brands that have fallen foul of disruption over the past few years.


Tortoise Media recently held a ThinkIn on how we can already see a landscape of economic and governmental uncertainty stretching ahead of us.


Capita announces that it has secured a contract with Transport for London (TfL) to design and deliver key elements of the network infrastructure that will underpin the upcoming Emergency Services Network (ESN) throughout the London Underground.


Being responsible for delivering key parts of the Ministry of Defence Fire and Rescue capability throughout the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is something we’re particularly proud of.

Case study

‘Super Saturday’ on 4th July heralded a new phase of Covid-19 economic recovery in the UK, as hairdressers, pubs and restaurants were able to open for the first time since lockdown began.


We’re helping the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) deal with a huge surge in calls to its Universal Credit helpline from vulnerable citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Case study

Capita’s Contact Associates provides assessments to help students with a disability, health problem or learning difficulty to access the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).

Case study

I had the pleasure of attending a recent webinar hosted by the Conservative Friends of the Armed Forces network.


Schools across Birmingham have continued to deliver lessons and other educational activities digitally for pupils who remain learning from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


The UK’s huge unemployment crisis is just beginning, and it is becoming clear that young people are going to be hugely impacted.


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