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As part of our Armed Forces Week celebrations Corporal Sharon Black, a Reservist from the People Solutions Division, shares her story about her year-long deployment to Cyprus as part of a United Nations tour.


Perhaps surprisingly, a huge number of companies have adapted to the changes necessitated by the threat of Covid-19 and have recognised some of the benefits of a flexible workforce.


The overly optimistic amongst us may be thinking that returning to conventional working will be easy. But the situation we’re in, truly is unprecedented.


These turbulent times might not look like the best time to invest in your workforce: an uncertain economic future paired with unpredictable future skills needs make it a risk that may not seem worth taking.


We’ve been partners with the British Army since 2012 to deliver the end-to-end recruitment and training of all British Army military personnel.

Case study

In partnership with WIRED magazine, we spoke to a group of business leaders to find out how they’re planning to survive and thrive in a Covid-19 centric economy.


Customer Experience Director Charlie Whitworth reflects on the latest Customer Satisfaction Index and how Covid-19 has thrown the human factor into sharp relief.


World Youth Skills Day (15th July) comes as youth unemployment is soaring due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Jack Parsons is a 25 year old, award-winning digital entrepreneur and CEO of The Youth Group which is building a meaningful group of youth-first solutions, products, and services to create action and jobs for young people.


Capita has secured a five-year contract worth £700,000 to migrate Swansea Council’s on-premise education software to a new cloud-based system.


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