If your business depends on a variety of important documents and records, whether they are paper or electronic, you may find it overwhelming to keep them organised.

Document management storage, both physical and digital, is fundamental as it supports good data governance, data protection (especially important with regards to personal data and GDPR) and provides your organisation with complete control of its documents.

From indexing and audit, to the storage and retrieval of both physical and digital documentation, we support with managing your archives effectively, helping you to reduce operating costs, improve business efficiency, remain compliant and be able to access important information as and when you need it.

See the brochures for more about our document management services:
Key statistics

In numbers: Capita and document management

Over 2 million boxes

➥ How many we hold in storage, from medical records to pensions

4 billion pieces of paper

➥ How many we’ve recorded for easy retrieval

Our services at a glance

Digital and physical documents

Secure storage

Journey Diagram_Navy_2
Range of delivery channels

Searchable and retrievable

Our services

How we help with physical document management

Managing your archives effectively can bring you a host of business benefits. It not only ensures you remain compliant with regulations around records retention, but also enables you to access important information as and when you need it, whilst addressing the major issues of storage management.

Storage and retrieval

Documents are stored in our secure records management warehouses, managed by experienced, security screened staff working to ISO certified processes. We provide secure, easy, quick, online access to your complete records inventory.


Indexing and audit

Our file level indexing and auditing offers a long-term solution to the problems of document storage and organisation, giving you better control and access to your information.

capacity management

Proactive document and capacity management

We can support your business needs to ensure that your records management policy is being followed and is compliant with the law.



All documents are logged on arrival with review dates noted in line with your records retention policy. Documents are destroyed in a timely and secure manner to Security Level 3 by accredited resource.

Our services

How we help with digital document management

We instantly archive, search and retrieve your customer’s data so you can deliver improved customer service. By managing the capture, storage, transformation, processing and multichannel delivery of data and document output, our solution can help you to reduce operating costs and improve business efficiency.
handling the data


Our solution can transform your organisation’s data by providing the correct content, file format and delivery channel required, according to business need, document content or customer preferences. This is even where the data logic and code of the created documents has been lost or is unclear.



Reduce operating costs, improve business efficiency - and ultimately customer experience – by automating many admin based back office tasks. User actions or pre-determined system events can trigger responsive communications to customers, enabling automated delivery of the right message at the right time through the right channel.


Retention and retrieval

Our flexible, scalable solution for the storage and retrieval of digitised records means data is stored securely and accessed instantly on the web, via email and mobile devices. Our system provides an ISO27001 accredited repository for customer information and ensures the data retention periods meet both GDPR requirements and your business needs.

Case studies

Read about our work

Aintree nurse
Healthcare - nurse searching files

Key benefits


You’ll have rapid access to documents via hard and/or soft copy.You’ll have rapid access to documents via hard and/or soft copy.

Cost reductions

Dramatically lowers administration charges associated with legacy document management.

Data protection

Data and information is swiftly received and processed securely according to regulatory, legal and quality requirements.

One location

All documentation stored in one place, whether it’s physical or digital, reducing storage space.


Indexed at multiple levels, providing a clear understanding of what and how many files are stored. Also allows for easy retrieval.


Provide the correct content, file format and delivery channel required according to business need, document content or customer preferences.



Get in touch with our document management experts


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