Prioritising our actions through key themes
Our five-year responsible business strategy was defined in consultation with colleagues, clients, investors and community groups to identify the most relevant sustainability issues that Capita should be addressing. Our strategy prioritises our actions through one cross-cutting theme and four focus themes. Take a look at each of them below to find out more.

In accordance with our operating model, accountability for our responsible business strategy is sponsored by our Executive Committee (ExCo) Responsible Business Committee, who report biannually to the Board on progress against our strategy and goals.
Within the parameters set by the Board, the ExCo Responsible Business Committee sets the strategy, ensuring appropriate resources are in place to deliver the programmes.
A central responsible business function executes the strategy, developing and delivering business-wide programmes, monitoring performance against stated goals and raising awareness of responsible business practices across all the functions and divisions.
We asked our colleagues, investors, community groups and clients to tell us what global challenges they thought Capita should be addressing and influencing. This chart shows the result:
We identified five material issues through this process:
- Youth unemployment and quality education
- Digital exclusion due to technological developments
- Gender inequality
- Climate change and resource scarcity
- Business ethics.
Our strategy focuses on these challenges, prioritising them in the order in which we can have the greatest impact: driving greater social mobility, enabling better digital access, building a more inclusive organisation, and reducing our environmental impact. These four focus themes are underpinned by the central theme of operating responsibly.