Moving people forward in justice and policing together
Electronic tagging has fast become key to supporting legal and rehabilitative services in the UK, offering a cost-effective and kinder alternative to incarceration whilst helping to protect communities.
As a proven, trusted partner in this area, we’re proud of what we’ve achieved in the last decade, from delivering electronic tagging services to help people embrace sobriety, to supporting rehabilitation for ex-offenders.
We blend a focus on helping to reduce reoffending with a longer-term focus on a society free from crime and the causes of it, from supporting ex-prisoners into employment, to wider education programmes that help potential domestic abusers better understand behavioural consequences.
And there’s much more to come: having proved our value to today’s - and tomorrow’s – UK justice and policing system, we’re primed to apply that unique experience and expertise to transform the future of electronic tagging.
Watch the video to see how we support electronic monitoring
➥ The number of tagging subjects we provide a 24 hour, 365-day monitoring service to
1 million
➥ How many calls our monitoring service handles from stakeholders and subjects every year
➥ The number of field visits our officers make to homes and detention centres in England and Wales
➥ We helped to introduce sobriety tags resulting in 97% of offenders abstaining from alcohol
Report: Innovating in the justice system to improve societal outcomes
There are many challenges in the justice sector that require innovative solutions – not least dealing with an increasingly growing prison population.
As the capabilities of technology continue to increase, our latest report - The future of the justice system in the UK: Innovations to improve societal outcomes - looks at the expectations and opportunities for the justice sector in the coming years. We share valuable insights on the challenges that lie ahead and what leaders must prioritise to overcome them.

Report: Electronic monitoring and transformation in the justice system
The real value of electronic monitoring is beginning to be properly understood as the challenges of prison capacity, judiciary bandwidth, a growing emphasis on rehabilitation over incarceration and limited resources, continue to mount in the justice system.
In our latest report we share valuable insights into the benefits, successes and emerging trends in electronic monitoring, gained from our partnership and work with the Ministry of Justice, examining how technology can deliver greater protection to citizens.

Promoting safer societies: video series
We’ve put together a series of videos which each feature a different perspective on the work we’re delivering at Capita to promote safer societies, from electronic monitoring services and technology to benefit victims and society, to interviews with ex-offenders who have been taking on work placements at Capita.

Working with police officers to support victims of domestic violence
Police officers can support victims better when they have instant access to key information which is why we worked in partnership to develop a dynamic, digital solution.

Improving public sector services by transforming data integration
We discuss how public sector organisations can apply an incremental approach to data integration and deliver improved public services.

Helping police forces prevent crime with tracking technology
Find out how our electronic monitoring services have been supporting the Metropolitan Police, Capita’s to track and locate prison leavers suspected of having breached their conditions of release.

Supporting the justice system with smart technology
We’re supporting the roll-out of the alcohol monitoring electronic tagging scheme across England and Wales with a smart technology solution that records information from monitoring devices.

From the introduction of GPS tracking and the first national rollout of sobriety tags, to reducing domestic violence and using location monitoring to support police investigations into acquisitive crime, we’re at the forefront of digital innovation in justice and policing.
Delivering the first UK rollout of sobriety tags
We helped to introduce sobriety tags across England and Wales to monitor alcohol abstinence.
Alcohol is involved in 39% of all violent crime in the UK, with the social and economic cost of alcohol-related harm estimated to be over £21.5 billion per year.
The programme has been a major success, with more than 97% of offenders on sobriety tags abstaining from alcohol - not only protecting the public from alcohol-fuelled crime, but also allowing probation officials to help offenders with rehabilitation.
Working collaboratively to deliver for the UK justice system
We collaborated with the Ministry of Justice, police forces and other organisations to roll out the acquisitive crime GPS tagging project, helping to integrate services to expand the use of electronic monitoring data to drive down reoffending rates.
Our field operatives fit GPS tags to burglars, robbers and thieves who meet the eligibility criteria following their release from prison: their whereabouts is then monitored by GPS satellites 24 hours a day so police know if any tagged offenders were in the vicinity of a crime.
The scheme, first introduced to 6 forces in April 2021, has been extended to over 18 police forces across England and Wales.
Proven delivery of outcomes in justice and policing
As a result of our management of electronic monitoring for the Ministry of Justice, 95% of new tagging orders are fulfilled on the same day the courts make the order.
Furthermore, last year over 99% of subjects completed their community order for tagging.
This means a more responsive service for the MoJ, greater choice for judges in dealing with offenders and better support for the Probation Service.
A reliable, trusted partner with the capacity to deliver
Our contact centre operates every day of the year, 24 hours a day, with our trained, expert call handlers providing continuous, often daily, contact with subjects – they’re often their first point of call.
Our Manchester monitoring centre provides services 24/7/365, monitoring 15,000 subjects at any one time and handling over one million calls from external parties, stakeholders and subjects annually. Our 450 field officers visit subjects in their homes, and in immigration and detention centres, making 215,000 field visits every year to install, calibrate and decommission monitoring equipment across England and Wales.
A better-connected justice system
How the latest technology - such as digital monitoring and automation - can better connect the justice system and protect victims of crime.
Electronic monitoring: a practitioner’s perspective
Hear directly from a probation officer who wore an electronic monitoring tag for a week to test rehabilitation and behavioural change success.
We’re committed to giving people a second chance – that’s why we’re hiring prison leavers and people with criminal records to develop their skills, supporting those who would otherwise be marginalised from the formal economy.
Offending and reoffending is driven by economics: within a year of leaving prison, 58% reoffend, costing the UK £18bn per year. Our short-term internship programme is designed to support the efforts of civil society organisations and communities to help break the cycle of reoffending by employing prison leavers and those with criminal records. We help people build up their confidence and develop valuable skills through real work experience so they can reach their full potential.
Hear from the interns themselves
Find out what our interns thought about their Capita internships: