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Business growth
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At the heart of the travel and hospitality industry is great customer experience.


Helping consumer electronics adapt to changing business models, whilst building customer loyalty and meeting consumer expectations with analytics and AI.


Thought leadership articles and webinars to help mortgage providers so they can support mortgage customers during some of their most important life moments.


Water efficiency should just be an underpinning activity, you need to save water and not waste it and then you need these extra things on top like reservoirs and water transfers, and even desalination. If you don’t do the water saving bit you just need to build loads more stuff and you do get into a position where you need desalination pretty quickly


Delivering better outcomes in justice and policing means balancing the need to reduce crime and protect the vulnerable whilst keeping vital services running as efficiently and effectively as possible.


By leveraging our capabilities, digital expertise and extensive network, we help charities build experiences to change the world for better.


Chorley Council’s Revenues and Benefits team managed the 100% increase in Universal Credit (UC) by optimising the automation processes introduced with Capita.

Case study

Gillian Chamberlain reports back from a panel session at the CCW Europe Summit where she discussed the importance of meeting business goals when outsourcing.


Is the cost of virtual care too high? Tim Coney debates that the issue is not with the concept of virtual care but that it lies in the current deployment model.


We help you make the most of your resources with innovative new solutions to help you deliver high-performance public services.


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