Our education property experts helped Leasowes Primary School to secure the Condition Improvement Funding (CIF) they needed to replace their roof infrastructure, providing a safe learning and working environment for students and staff alike.
Located on the outskirts of Stafford, Leasowes Primary School is a well-known and respected academy for over 429 children, ranging between three and 11 years of age. For a number of years, the school struggled with ongoing waterproofing issues, which the facilities team tried to remedy with various quick fix repairs. However, despite their best efforts, substantial leaks and relentless water ingress meant that many classrooms were forced to shut, causing continuous disruptions to pupils and staff. Space was tight, and teaching and learning outcomes were negatively impacted.
Specialised CIF bid support
For schools with infrastructure challenges and limited budgets, applying to the Condition Improvement Fund is a great option. Open to eligible academies, sixth-form colleges and voluntary-aided schools, the CIF helps to keep school estates safe by funding projects that address health and safety issues, building compliance and buildings in poor condition.
However, completing a bid and managing the work that a successful bid creates, is complex and stressful. With our strong track record of successful CIF bids, Leasowes Primary School turned to us to help prepare their application and collate the essential supporting evidence required by the Department for Education (DfE).
All-in-one solution
Collaborating with trusted roofing specialists, Capita carried out a series of investigative works on-site, starting with a comprehensive condition survey of each roof section that included core sample testing, u-value calculation and analysis, and a series of supporting photographic evidence. Following this, it was clear that Leasowes Primary School was in need of a complete roof replacement.
Our team of professional, in-house bid writers put together a comprehensive report aligned to legislative requirements. Despite the CIF being a highly competitive fund, we were successful in our application, which released over £430,000 to carry out the much-needed repairs.
With a total replacement of over 3,000m2, a phased schedule of works across a period of time was adopted to reduce the disruption to the academy as much as possible. Partnering with roofing contractor GAC and manufacturer Garland UK, work commenced in September 2022 and was completed in February of the following year, in line with the strict timeframes set by the DfE.
Significantly, Leasowes Primary School was able to stay fully operational throughout the renovation process, with no disruptions to teaching or learning. And with no more leaks, pupils are now able to thrive in a safe, efficient and sustainable learning space.
Get in touch to find out how we can take away the stress of your CIF application:
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