The first phase of the New Bailey Gateway Project has commenced, providing upgraded highway infrastructure in support of the ongoing developments under the Salford Central Master-plan.

Working on behalf of Salford City Council (SCC), Urban Vision’s Highway Design team has been involved from the project’s inception, carrying out feasibility studies, and delivering concept designs and detailed designs of the scheme. Other services provided by Urban Vision include landscape design, network management, traffic and transportation, parking services and property services. The team also consulted with representatives from the Royal National Institute of Blind People to ensure the design was friendly for the visually impaired. 

The first phase of the project involves environmental improvements and the widening of the footways on New Bailey Street adjacent to the ongoing prestige developments by English Cities Fund (ECf) and Select Developments. The widened footpaths will allow for the creation of an area of public realm, seen as the centrepiece of the project. This involves the creation of two ‘rain gardens’ which are supported by a state of the art Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS), resulting in the excess water that is collected in the drainage system to directly feed into large deciduous trees and aquatic plants along the walkway.

The project is being jointly funded by the Greater Manchester Growth Deal 2, ECf and SCC and will assist in the transformation of Salford Central into a vibrant and significant part of the regional centre.

Salford City Council plans to invest in the region of £200m over a period of 25 years to develop over 352,000 square feet of top quality, new office space at Two New Bailey and nearby 100 Greengate - moves which aim to bring in a hard cash return to invest in front-line services in times of government austerity and local government cuts.

Mayor Dennett, Salford City Council, said: "Our investment will also provide for 3,000 long-term jobs in Salford, construction employment and training opportunities and encourage the continued economic development of the entire Salford Central area, generating much needed business rates and rental returns. The design will support Salford’s determination to improve the environment to encourage more people to walk or cycle – particularly with the recent launch of the Mobike bike sharing scheme in Salford and Manchester and the appointment of Olympic champion Chris Boardman MBE as Greater Manchester’s first ever Cycling and Walking Commissioner."

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