Marks & Spencer has extended its longstanding digital customer contact partnership with Capita by a further five years. The contract renewal and expansion commences April 2018 and is worth approximately £70m over the contract term.

Capita will continue to provide quality customer service support for across voice, online and webchat channels from its existing award-winning teams, including those based in Preston Brook in the UK.

As part of the new agreement, Capita will also extend its customer services support to M&S’s international online business in markets like the US, Australia and France.

Jonathan Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Capita plc, said: “Marks & Spencer’s extension and expansion of its partnership with us is testament to the strength of our longstanding relationship and our consistent delivery of high quality services rightly associated with this brand. Key to the success of the partnership has been our ability to be fully immersed in the organisation’s brand values ensuring that the customer is always at the heart of service delivery, regardless of the channel of contact.”

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