Capita scooped up multiple awards at this year’s CCA event, held in Glasgow.

The awards are the most respected accolades in the customer contact industry and the event saw more than 600 senior customer executives from leading public and private sector organisations.

Capita BBC Audience Services won the award for the ‘Most Effective Training Programme’:

Stephen Mooney, Head of contact centre development and quality assurance, Capita - BBC Audience Services, said: "The Manager Excellence Programme was a huge success with 100% of trainees successfully completing it so massive congratulations to all who were involved in the building, designing and implementation of the programme."

We were also announced as the winners of both the ‘Innovation in BPO - A partnership approach’ and ‘Contact Centre Team of the Year - BPO & Outsourcing’, and ‘Gold Professional of the Year’ award was given to David Hegarty in Capita Customer Solutions.

The benchmark for customer service excellence was raised this year. Over 150 shortlisted nominees battled it out for the winning entry in more than 20 categories.

Andrew Mends, Chairman of CCA Excellence Awards Committee, said: "This year’s winners should be exceptionally proud because it was by far the most competitive field ever with a record number of international as well as UK entrants. Our panel of 30 judges had a very difficult task due to the quality of submissions being so high. We would like to congratulate everyone who made the shortlist, because each one demonstrated a serious commitment to superior customer service."

The CCA is the leading independent authority on customer contact and customer service operations and strategy. CCA’s network comprises more than 800 leading organisations.

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