Improve outcomes with a more complete, shared view of every young person, so your team can work together with other services to identify those at risk and target interventions.

For teams working with young people, a common frustration is only having fragments of the picture of their lives, making it harder – and more time-consuming – to understand how they can best be supported.

Our integrated youth support services software offers intuitive case management tools and analytics which bring together your Capita-recorded information from other departments and agencies, as well as education data such as attendance, attainment, SEND, exclusions, looked after status and free school meals. With a single, shared view of each young person, teams from different youth-related services can work together to identify those at risk, and target and monitor interventions to improve outcomes.

In addition to being fully-statutory compliant and supporting all statutory returns, our unique NCIS check tool provides practitioners with a preview of how the monthly statistics will present to the Department for Education, enabling data to be verified and validated without actually using up any of the five opportunities to submit this.

Youth workers and their support teams are also able to increase engagement with young people by sending SMS reminders, texts and emails from the system, which are automatically integrated into case notes.

How it works

Supporting better outcomes for young people


Quick access to information

Quicker access to information, including the young person’s views


Configurable homepage

Includes client lists and hyperlinks to individual records

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The full picture

Intuitive navigation and a single overview of the young person’s chronology

Reduces the admin burden

With admin reduced, practitioners have more time directly with young people

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Helps improve outcomes

Teams better able to help prevent young people being NEET or status unknown

How our integrated youth support services software helps


Heads of service and team managers

Performance officers and information officers

Youth workers and support teams

Administrative staff

Young people

Reduced IT infrastructure costs and maintenance

Access to education services data for a broader and deeper data set

Quicker access to information with a configurable, intuitive homepage

Intuitive screens and navigation make it easy to update multiple records with minimal clicks

Reduced admin tasks for practitioners frees time to focus on young people and prevent them becoming NEET/ status unknown

Intuitive system which minimises staff training

Extract information quickly for reporting

See other agencies’ information before even first meeting

Expanding and collapsing panels give a quick and easy overview in a single screen of a young person’s chronology to date.

Young people can contribute to plans with their practitioners to allow their record to reflect their voice

Powerful analytics for insight to inform policy and target resources

Standard and customisable reports

Better engagement with texts and emails, integrated into case notes Alerts when other professionals update a key client’s record



Case study: West Berkshire Council’s School Improvement Team

West Berkshire Council’s School Improvement Team has been using our integrated youth support services software to share key information with schools to give a full picture of the young people they help. This quick, effective sharing of crucial data has led to faster response times, enabling the team to intervene sooner and to greater effect.

kids studying
How our solution helps

A day in the life of a youth worker

I log into Capita’s integrated youth support services system and go to my customised homepage which shows me the young people I’m assigned to as the lead worker and my appointments.

    I’ve set up priority need criteria to identify vulnerable young people so I can get in touch to offer early support. I use the currency lapse tool to filter by those due a status check and I see Mark is due to be contacted, but that he’s had recent contact with the youth offending team. My access rights are tailored to my role so I don’t know the details and I email the youth offending officer to see if it’s appropriate to be contacting him at this time.

    The system shows a young person has been in touch with our housing team which indicates issues at home. I use the system to contact him to offer support – with a complicated home life, he may push his education to one side so I need to intervene as early as possible. My manager and I then meet to discuss progress on the September Guarantee using the generated reports.

    I have an appointment with Becky, who’s been increasingly disengaged with school. An automatic text reminder went to her earlier and I can see on the system she’s replied to confirm she’ll be there. I can access the system on the move to make notes whilst with Becky, who mentions she lives with her mum and disabled brother, and they’re having trouble coping. I use the system to contact a carer support group, and flag to social services that they may need additional support. With access to all the information I need in one place, I can really make a difference to young people’s lives.

    teacher teaching

    Hear from our customers

    Alex Pye

    16-24 Tracking & Engagement Officer, West Berkshire Council School Improvement Team


    Before, we would receive a termly attendance list from schools – sometimes three months after that young person’s attendance had dropped - giving time for negative learning behaviours to be established as they fall out of the routine of getting up and ready each morning. Now, because we’re aware much sooner, we can respond more quickly – it’s really helping in terms of moving those clients forward. Because I can update directly into the system, I can also share crucial information with other teams working with that young person to support other departments more effectively.



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