By understanding their citizens better, councils can deliver improved services to meet their needs

Local authorities have a wealth of data across their organisation that, when analysed, offers huge opportunities to design services differently.

This data could be used not just to realise efficiencies, but to change the way the organisation operates to improve the customer experience – and support the journey to a predictive and preventative operating model.

Our data driven insights are helping local authorities understand and predict customer behaviour. We can then guide improvements to the customer experience and the way that services are delivered.

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Our approach

How we help

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Understand & predict citizen behaviour

Data analytics and insight can help to plan future service delivery needs.

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Valuable insights

For a specific end-to-end customer journey or full-scale transformation.

Design effective community services

We help local authorities to interpret the data to make evidence-based decisions.

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Turn findings into actionable insights

Our data analysts support local authorities to make practical, strategic change.

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Deliver the best customer experience

Unrivalled local government & digital expertise to optimise your processes.

Data analysis outcomes

Our team of data analysts is helping councils to:
Improve communication

We connect departments running different council services by involving them in evidence-based customer service discussions for co-designed ideas initiatives.

Inform future decision-making

Show senior managers the pain points experienced by residents & local businesses to demonstrate the impacts of day-to-day decisions and spending.

Enhance insight

Understand where the demands originate and prompt action internally (such as resourcing adjustments) as well as identify opportunities to close experience gaps.

Understand and predict demand

Use data and demographic information intelligently to understand patterns and predict significant events occurring (such as flooding and school admission) to plan ahead.



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