Supporting you with the effective delivery of local education authority services

With a demanding workload of education services to deliver alongside the need to safeguard children and support them to positive outcomes, local authority education teams are often faced with conflicting priorities and limited resources.

Used by over 100 UK local authorities, our flexible, intuitive software helps to relieve that pressure, enabling them to meet their statutory and service responsibilities more efficiently and effectively by connecting data securely for more informed decisions and early intervention.

With a wide range of time-saving tools and providing a single, comprehensive core record for each child, teams instantly have the information they need to safeguard children and young people, to monitor attendance and attainment, and support children with special educational needs and disabilities. In addition, our virtual schools head solution tracks the progression and attainment of pupils in care, highlighting where any intervention is required.

Our software can also support teams with administering staff development and training, completing statutory staff returns, managing school governor processes and planning for future school places.

Our education services solutions

    • Increase efficiency: provides a single, accurate source of information on all local authority sites, such as schools, pupil referral units and other establishments, eliminating the need for multiple databases
    • Extend teamwork: field-based practitioners can quickly access information from any internet-enabled PC or device with a secure log in and password
    • Target intervention: staff can support children and families at risk with a comprehensive, holistic view of core data, such as addresses, opening times or contact details for key holders and support officers
    • Early intervention: record information on performances, tuition and earnings which can be linked to other data, such as attendance and attainment, to monitor the impact and effect on children
    • Supports compliance: record inspection visits and outcomes centrally, supports legislative requirements for the protection of children and young people at work, and involved in performances
    • Safeguard children: a central source of information on employers, type of work or performance, full history of children employed by the company, chaperones, references and disclosure checks
    • Early intervention: exclusion from school is an early indication of changes to a child’s circumstance: with exclusion data transferred automatically into your system, exclusions, interventions, alternative education arrangements and progress are easily monitored
    • Simplified administration: reduces the amount of paperwork whilst ensuring continued secure access to accurate information on excluded students
    • Effective teamwork: action taken to reintegrate a student into the classroom can be recorded and shared along with information on any alternative educational support
    • Empower parents: local authorities have seen a 400-600% increase in free school meals applications – our portal empowers parents to check discreetly if they qualify, with an instant eligibility result
    • Reduce administration: a claim is automatically created against the child's record, saving c.20 minutes of manual data input per application and getting the vital nutrition to the child sooner
    • Supports school plans: helps schools plan effectively as they have a better understanding of who’s eligible for pupil premium income to better support the most vulnerable children
    • Share information: other children’s services professionals can monitor and access information of a child’s sensory impairment to maximise pupils learning opportunities and raise achievement.
    • Monitor impact: generate graphical audiograms against historical data to ensure services and support continues to meet pupils’ needs.
    • Reduce administration: maintain a complete record of services and equipment provided, monitor inventory easily with central records of equipment loans and maintenance.
    • The whole picture: a comprehensive view of student records offers a powerful comparison of performance against a range of target indicators, including FFT estimates and RAISEonline data
    • Target intervention: assessment data can be analysed by individual, cohort, school, school cluster or authority-wide allowing trends to be identified early for targeted interventions to improve outcomes
    • Share information: with secure and efficient data sharing, realistic and appropriately-challenging learning targets can be set to raise student achievement, with best practice shared across the authority
    • Simplifies administration: a complete record of governors stored centrally reduces the need to re-enter and duplicate data.
    • Secure, accessible information: governor details can be easily viewed including appointments, validity of DBS checks and training records.
    • Flexible working: the tools help clerks manage their workload and carry out duties remotely, including the distribution of meeting agendas and minutes.

    Our education software is even more powerful with these fully-integrated solutions:

    parent and child
    peoples using phone
    making circuits in school
    school girl using laptop
    Transport image
    children playing
    children playing



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