We're tackling climate change, reducing our environmental impact and supporting our clients and suppliers to do the same.

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time: it’s never been more important for businesses to commit to drastically reducing emissions to avoid the irreversible consequences of global warming.

As a purpose-led, responsible business, Capita is committed to its responsibility in the fight against climate change. We are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and supporting our clients and suppliers to do the same - and as a business of over 43,000 people across the world, we know that if we work together, we can make a real difference.

In December 2023 we were recognised for leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change by CDP, securing a place on its annual ‘A List’.

Our targets


Capita has updated its target to become fully net zero to 2045. A significant amount of our carbon emissions originates from our supply chain, and we extended our target to achieve full net zero by ten years to allow us more time to engage with our suppliers and support them to reduce their environmental impact. We are working to validate our revised targets with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi).

Near-term targets

Capita commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and absolute scope 3 GHG emissions covering business travel 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Capita also commits that 50% of its suppliers by spend covering purchased goods & services and capital goods will have science-based targets by 2025

Long-term targets

Capita commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions, and absolute scope 3 GHG emissions covering purchased goods and services, capital goods, business travel and employee commuting by 90% by 2045 from the base year of 2019.

These are challenging targets that we, as an organisation, are committed to at every level. Our net zero milestones are to reach operational net-zero by 2030; operational and business travel net-zero by 2035; and full net-zero by 2045 including our supply chain. We’re on track to meet our near-term targets by 2025. NB; decarbonization will be prioritised and all residual emissions will be neutralized in line with SBTi criteria before reaching net-zero emissions by 2045.

IIt’s only through continuing to challenge ourselves and setting ambitious targets that we can fulfil our purpose – to create better outcomes for all

Our net zero timeline

Underpinned by science-based targets, we have set out an ambitious roadmap to take us to net zero by 2045.

Milestone 1: Operational net zero

*By 2030

Neutralise operational scope 1&2 emissions

Milestone 2: Operational + travel net zero

*By 2035

Neutralise operational scope 1&2 + business travel emissions

Milestone 3: Full net zero completion

*By 2045

Neutralise operational scope 1&2 + business travel + supply chain

Our actions for each milestone

Click any of the tabs below to get a summary explanation of the mitigation actions for each milestone.

    1. Switch electricity to renewable on all properties (bar 10%)

    2. Start to switch boilers from gas to electric

    3. Where possible move fleet from vehicles to EVs

    4. Renewable energy certificates (elec) and carbon credits (gas and fuel) to cover non-renewable utilities purchases

    5. Engage with suppliers to set science-based targets, support them to decarbonise their operations. 55% of suppliers by spend to have set science based targets

    1. Reduce business travel emissions by 75% from 2019’s baseline

    2. Consider more stringent business travel policies, reduce air travel, flexible home-/remote-working options

    3. Achieve 75% decrease in business mileage

    4. All employee mileage including cash allowance and private cars to be in EVs by 2032.

    5. Consider offering incentives through mileage reimbursement, revised company car schemes and hire car policy to achieve this.

    6. Carbon credits to cover residual emissions

    7. Engage with suppliers to set science-based targets, support them to decarbonise their operations. 85% of suppliers by spend to have set science based targets

    1. Engage with suppliers to set science-based targets, support them to decarbonise their operations

    2. Carbon credits strategy options being developed which could mitigate potential price rises and support the biodiversity agenda


    Using insights from energy data to reduce carbon emissions

    To get a better understanding of building energy consumption, we engaged SMS plc to apply metering and data expertise for valuable energy management insights.


    Decarbonising public sector buildings to help achieve net zero

    Public sector bodies have been given zero-carbon targets to help reach net zero by 2050. In many cases this will mean retrofitting whole buildings - even estates - to ensure they’re energy-efficient. Such scale of work requires additional expertise, skills and resource capacity. Our experienced property specialists can help, providing advice, planning and business case submission on energy efficiency measures across your buildings and social housing. We work side by side with your teams, applying advanced data analytics skills and funding knowledge alongside construction and building surveying expertise to deliver the best value to you.

    Decarbonising public sector

    Glossary of key words and phrases

    Click any of the tabs below to get a summary explanation of the terms used on this page.

      The practice of balancing a company’s emissions with an equivalent amount of carbon credits.

      Reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions at the rate consistent with that required to limit warming to 1.5ºC and neutralise the impact of any source of residual emissions that remains unfeasible to be eliminated by permanently removing an equivalent amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide

      Reaching net-zero emissions requires neutralizing a company’s residual GHG emissions within it’s own value chain (supply chain, operations, products and services) with an equivalent amount of carbon removals. An effective neutralization strategy involves removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it for a long-enough period to fully neutralize the impact of any GHG that continues to be released into the atmosphere. e.g. tree planting, carbon capture and storage.

      While reaching a balance between emissions and removals is the end goal of a net zero journey, companies should consider undertaking efforts to compensate unabated emissions in the transition to net-zero to contribute to the global transition to net-zero. These are measures that companies take to prevent, reduce or eliminate sources of GHG emissions outside their value chain e.g. participation in schemes to prevent de-forestation.

      These are certificates purchased to confirm tonnage of carbon neutralisation / compensation and should be verified by credible schemes such as VCS or Gold Standard.

      Carbon capture and storage or carbon capture and sequestration is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) before it enters the atmosphere, transporting it, and storing it (carbon sequestration) for centuries or millennia.

      Scope one refers to all direct emissions from an organisation including gas boilers, fleet vehicles and air-conditioning gas leaks, while scope two includes all indirect emissions including heat, electricity and steam purchased and used.

      All other indirect emissions from sources an organisation does not own or control, such as emissions associated with business travel, procurement, sales, transport, waste, and water.

      Ensures that companies reduce their emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and are externally validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

      Our commitment to net zero - downloads

      ISAE 3000 Independent Assurance of Capita PLC Emissions 2023

      Carbon reduction plans




      Capita Business Services Limited Carbon Reduction Plan October 2024





      Capita Business Services Limited Carbon Reduction Plan August 2023


      Agiito Limited full Carbon Reduction Plan August 2023


      Capita Pension Solutions Limited full Carbon Reduction Plan July 2023





      Capita Resourcing Limited Carbon Reduction Plan November 2022


      Capita Business Services Limited Carbon Reduction Plan August 2022


      Capita Pension Solutions Limited full Carbon Reduction Plan July 2022





      Capita Business Services Limited Carbon Reduction Plan September 2021


      Electra-Net (UK) Limited full Carbon Reduction Plan September 2021


      Capita IT Services Limited full Carbon Reduction Plan September 2021


      Entities bidding for contracts in scope of the PPN Carbon Reduction Plan May 2021


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