Salesforce Test Delivery Manager

Full time

Job ID: 10097259

India - Ventura T10



Posted on
08 May 2024
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A Test Manager should be able to independently work with clients and provide test strategy or automation solution to fulfil expectation set by customer satisfactorily. They should be a good mentor to build a team with appropriate knowledge, able to conduct training sessions and help team to grow. A Test Manager should be able to form sustainable relationships with team members demonstrating innovation and creativity, and plan growth for team.

Job Description

•    Working with Business Analysts and Customers to understand the functionality so testing can be conducted
•    Oversee and create test strategies across the different environments 
•    Oversee and create testing scripts 
•    Oversee and create testing plans 
•    Acting as the subject matter expert (SME) and mentoring of other members of the Testing team
•    An understanding of test automation tools and strategies
•    An understanding of Salesforce development and environment strategy
•    Extensive experience as a test manager

About us

Capita is a consulting, transformation and digital services business. We deliver innovative solutions and simplify the connections between businesses and customers, governments and citizens. We're driven by our purpose: to create better outcomes – for our employees, clients and customers, suppliers and partners, investors, and society. We're committed to being a responsible business – in how we operate, serve society, respect our people and the environment, and deliver attractive returns to our investors.

Every day we help millions of people, by delivering innovative solutions to transform and simplify the connections between businesses and customers, governments and citizens. We partner with clients and provide them with the insight and cutting-edge technologies that give time back, allowing them to focus on what they do best and making people’s lives easier and simpler. We operate in the UK, Europe, India and South Africa and currently have 55,000 talented people working in our three divisions: Capita Experience, Capita Public Service and Capita Portfolio.

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