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Further to the announcement by Capita plc (the “Company”) on 16th November 2020, Patrick stepped down from the Board with immediate effect.


As required by The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, the following Capita subsidiaries have published statements (“s172 statements”) describing how the directors of each subsidiary have had regard to the matters set out in s172(1)(a) to (f) of the Companies Act 2006.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for shareholders including information about voting, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Notice of meeting.


With the government commitment to reach net zero by 2050, and the pandemic highlighting how lifestyle changes can make a real difference, more and more of us are looking to minimise our impact on the environment – consumers and organisations alike.


In this session, we brought together a panel of experts from across UK local authorities and Capita’s revenues and benefits services to discuss the current situation what local authorities are facing concerning revenue collections and what may need to change immediately and in the next few years to ensure collection levels and revenue income stays at constant or improved levels.


In this session, which initially took place at the MJ Future Forum North on 18 March 2021, we look at a range of possibilities and analyse the practical steps local authorities can take to get to shape their future place.


In this monthly podcast series, we explore the changing trajectories across education, skills and employment.


We’re supporting integrated care systems, from advising national bodies on multi-year care model strategies to helping unemployed people back into work.


We apply smart building technologies such as IoT and analytics to enhance patient and staff experience, save energy, and improve performance and outcomes.


Deliver a seamless, consistent and personalised customer experience by offering communications via your customers’ channel of choice.


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