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The UK is on a “cautious but irreversible” route out of lockdown restrictions.


Costi Karayannis, Managing Director of Learning Services at Capita, explains how our ‘Re-imagining HR’ survey shows we’re at a pivotal moment and must fundamentally change the role of learning and development to re-skill staff in the post-pandemic world.


Customers may be about to become less forgiving. If complaint numbers rise, how are you going to provide a service which meets rising expectations?


There is no doubt that we’re going through one of the toughest periods in living memory, for individuals, for organisations and for the sectors and industries they work in.


Capita today announces it has signed a customer service contract renewal with the RSPCA for a further eight years. The contract, which builds on a 17-year partnership, will transform the way in which members of the public contact the RSPCA to report animal welfare concerns.


The cyber threat landscape is continually shifting. As a result, staying ahead of cyber crime is a significant challenge for both organisations and individuals.


As many of us start to return to offices and other workplaces, the hybrid approach has emerged as the most popular solution for both employees and employers.


Our previous articles have focused on the life and pensions workplace of the future, identifying new organisational structures, and working patterns that take account of the digital revolution we’re living through. Now we’ll turn our attention to the customer experience itself.


There is a consensus that the world needs more learning – whether it’s part of society building back better, responding to the future of work in the short term, or equipping the next generation to step into the jobs that we do not yet know about.


Managing Director of Security Watchdog, Susie Thomson and Capita’s Director of Digital Onboarding, Lesley Gregory, recently hosted an online discussion about the importance of creating great onboarding experiences, and how to achieve this digitally in a post-pandemic world.


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